This style was deleted by its author, Total Cereal@userstyles

Total Cereal@userstyles deleted this style because of "This was my biggest userstyle project by far, but I no longer wish to maintain it. it is currently buggy and terrible due to Twitch changing their coding over time, and I really don't want people to continue downloading such a terribly style. If there is still demand for this style, let me know either on Twitch or Twitter."

Try Block All Twitch Emotes instead of this deleted style.

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Total Cereal's Darkened Twitch + Wider Chat

Added by Total Cereal@userstyles, Created: Feb 05, 2013, Updated: Sep 18, 2013
No screenshot
Dark Theme
Chat Width
Left Side-bar
Chat font size
Remove featured streams from left sidebar
Share and options buttons next to follow button
Mod Buttons
Title and Game
Info Section


This style removes some useless elements and darkens the layout, as well as optionally widening the chat box.

More info
THANKS FOR 850 DOWNLOADS! I never imagined that so many people would use my userstyle, so I really appreciate everyone that has downloaded it and uses it :D

Detailed Description
This style is a nice, compact way to watch Twitch streams with a dark layout. It can remove the title, panels, and the left side-bar, leaving only the essential elements.

Some code used from SirFist@userstyless' style with permission (seriously, check out his style. It's awesome).

Things to note
This style can remove many elements such as descriptions and titles, so if you like to see those elements, you probably shouldn't use those options.

09/19/2013 - Darkened left sidebar when using dark theme.
09/18/2013 - Completely hided Featured Channels list from navigation sidebar since they took out related featured channels, darkened the directory when using dark style.
09/02/2013 - Fixed major issue where style couldn't be installed, fixed issue where subscribe button didn't darken.
08/15/2013 - Fixed log in elements being darkened.
08/13/2013 - Added option for shrunken video player for those who don't want it.
08/03/2013 - Removed "Kabam" tab from left side-bar.
08/02/2013 - Fixed some bugs with dark theme, made it so the video doesn't become too tall (only applies to monitors with a vertical size of 1080px or larger).
07/12/2013 - Fixed wide chat bug.
07/11/2013 - Fixed profile pages being darkened.
07/10/2013 - Fixed new position of subscriber button not being darkened.
06/29/2013 - Fixed mod buttons not being removed.

Feature Suggestion
Have an idea for a new feature or improvement? Let me know by submiting you idea

Personal info
Hi, and thank you for checking out my style! My name is Total Cereal, and I am a longtime Twitch fan broadcaster. If you like this style, feel free to check out my other styles as well! I'd also love to see you around at my channel,

Applies to:

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