PayPal visited links - in red

Added by Donkeyote@userstyles, Created: Sep 09, 2008, Updated: Sep 28, 2008
With the style applied


Simple style to make visited links appear in red. You'll find this very useful if you are going through your PayPal history and printing out transactions - without this style (which PayPal saw fit to leave out of their CSS) you have a very difficult time remembering where you were in a page of 20 to 30 transactions...
I would have also changed the even/odd line background colours at the same time, but PayPal saw fit to use this code in the HTML:No styles fortags for PayPal, apparently! You would think that a multi-million pound company would at least try to make their site user friendly. I was going to write to them and ask them about this, but I'm sure you've all had the experience of trying to get PayPal to even understand the most basic question, let alone answer it, let alone do something constructive about it...

Applies to:,

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