Rappelz forum (end user tweak-friendly)

Added by najevi@userstyles, Created: Oct 02, 2008, Updated: Oct 21, 2008
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


This is for the new (since Oct 2008) Rappelz forum web site.

Verbose comments and pre-tested optional extras are included throughout this style to encourage the end user to customize to your personal preference. All the basics are taken care of by the default. The only useful links lost in the default are the Rappelz Library, Rappelz Arsenal and Profile & Achievement. These are easily accessed from any of several other pages.

The following optional extras are commented out by default:
1) hide the orange gPotato menu;
2) hide the BG image at top;
3) hide the entire red navigation menu;
4) hide the fixed width RAPPELZ FORUMS top nav-bar bg image (Ack. http://freestyler.ws/style/8164/rappelz-forum-new-website by makrise@userstyles);
5) hide the footer;
6) hide signatures (useful if you often browse the forum without logging in)

Unmodified CSS classes and ids are listed in one long trailing comment to invite you to explore new possibilities and then, perhaps, suggest an enhancement for this style.

Firefox feature remin

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