4chan optimized (no ads, cleaner structure, small)

Added by kuroi-ryu@userstyles, Created: Oct 05, 2008, Updated: Oct 14, 2008
With the style applied


This style removes ads and logos and all the others stuff that it not necessary.
Also it gives 4chan a nicer view with rounded corners and so on.
Greatest optimization will be, that the main postarea box is not above all threads but floating right beneath the first thread, what it makes the page smaller.

As basis for removing ads I used "remove ads from 4chan.org" by vcxzet.
Can't remember whater I used for nicer 4chan, maybe if anybody knows I will ad it to desricption.

The sheet down below is my "work sheet". Because first it was not that easy to float the textarea to the right with full funcionality. So comments are maybe a little confusing. I will fix some things to get a cleaner stylesheet, but first I want to share the result. ;-)

Enjoy. ;-)

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