F.W.T Classic V1.2.1 by brandyboi94

Added by brandyboi94@userstyles, Created: May 13, 2013, Updated: May 23, 2013
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


Purple and Light blue theme(holo)
Changes and enhances the Fitocracy website with more colour (purple and light blue (holo) theme), and main links made larger.

Fitocracy group link:https://www.fitocracy.com/group/14871/?chatter

More info
version: 1.0
-more space for commenting
-larger level up
-larger total points in feed
-coloured workout notes
-bold pr's
-bigger achievement title
-more noticeable name
-more space in feeling social comment box
-exercise name more noticeable
-purple level progress bar
-purple side bar links
-level color change to white

Version 1.1
-more noticeable unread notification
-notification bubble and number made larger
-notifications white on blue
-hover on notifications to lighter blue
-notifications border colour
-duel in feed outline to purple to stand out
-more use of feed boxes
-your page stats colour change
-coloured the feeling social box
-removed hover colour on pm

Version 1.1.1
-revert text box values (causing error to add photo icon)

Version 1.2
-make notifications less eye searing
-coloured progress bar on profile page
-removed line under looking good box
-longer progress bar on profile
-profile header changes
-removed shadows on track page exercises & more use of space
-track page, choose exercise remove hover colour
-more space for notes
-removed camera background
-follow buttons now blue outline
-duel page title colours
-prop duel background changed
-current tab colour now blue
-prop row made larger
-quests title now purple-points
-add a workout background changed
-removed shadow on search box

Version 1.2.1
-Fix for social box not resizing
Install Style

First install FreeStyler to use this style.

If you already installed it, please, make sure this site is allowed to run JavaScript.
MS Edge doesn’t support add-ons at the moment, so FreeStyler is unavailable for it.

But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!

Applies to:

Related styles: