UPDATED Search Result cleaner

Added by akaidiot@userstyles, Created: Oct 18, 2006, Updated: Nov 08, 2006
With the style applied


This script will remove all ads and junk so you end up just with the search result tabs and one scrollbar. It will not clean the main page.

EDIT 061106: They just changed the ads a bit. This update removes them too. The questions below are still unanswered. The problem with the div at top is that it has no tag at all. Can you say: "remove the 2nd DIV", and if so, how?

Since this is my first userstyle I have some questions:

1. How do I get rid of the ">" div at the top?

2. How do I make the iframe fill the browser height dynamically instead of having it fixed? (last line)

Applies to:

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