This style was deleted by its author, Nelson@userstyles

Nelson@userstyles deleted this style

Try Gmail Cleaner and Tweaker instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Wretch

Website: cleaner - WRETCH - Album

Added by Nelson@userstyles, Created: Oct 23, 2006, Updated: Dec 17, 2011
With the style applied


WRETCH ( ) is one of the biggest Blog Service Provider and Album Service Provider in Taiwan. It also provides the guest book function.

To earn money from advertisements, each user's Album and guest book page are filled with float ads and flash ads, and they make the pages look UGLY.
What's worse, the flash ads steal lots of CPU usage and network bandwidths, and bring users to bad browsing experience - especially for those who don't have a good PC or a good network environment.

That's why I made it. I try to remove these ads as many as possible.
Hope you will like it, and suggestions are always welcome. :-)

Last update: 2009-03-31

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