gMail right-side labels margin

Added by vladootz@userstyles, Created: Oct 27, 2008, Updated: Oct 28, 2008
With the style applied


Theory: gmail labs rock :)
There are two beautiful features: right-side chat and right-side labels, and I will call them RSC and RSL for the moment. Both features had a top margin of 10px so they were not top aligned with the middle huge div (with light-blue background and round corners, you know it). The RSC feature had been fixed but the other one not... I posted some messages on the discussion group, I saw others posting on the same topic but there were no moves, so I made one.
This style moves the RSL 10px top margin to bottom (yellow highlighted in the before/after screenshots); but there is a problem: the same class is used by the left-side menu [inbox, starred, chats...] so I placed another 10px bottom margin to the "Compose Mail" button. And the problem was solved. I tried the style without lab features and it didn't screw anything but if you find irregularities please post a review or email me: vlad[at]nastasiu[dot]com
Thanks and enjoy.

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