Google Search 20/20

Added by hsrstud@userstyles, Created: Oct 30, 2008, Updated: Feb 24, 2011
With the style applied


I created the style with a 19" wide screen monitor, so you will have to adjust for other screen sizes. If you want to take full advantage of this style, increase the number of results that Google displays to 100. You can change this using Settings, located in the upper right hand corner of Google search webpages. This requires that you disable Google instant results. To change the number of columns displayed change the following 3s to 2s. > div { -moz-column-count: 3 !important; }

#rso { -moz-column-count: 3 !important; }

This style removes the new Google sidebar and includes a fixed navigation bar located in the top right hand corner of the browsing window.

This style benefits from multi-column view featured in ◄Google Search - 2 column simplified (2009/09/12)► as well as removing the side bar featured in New iGoogle - Hide The Sidebar, etc.

More info


6/5/09 -- Script was accidentally removing spelling correction suggestions

6/9/09 -- Repositioned search box due to changes in Google's code

6/10/09 -- Removed "In order to show you the most relevant..."

7/15/09 -- Added a gradient and shading effect to the search box. Corrected the position of various elements in the results bar.

7/18/09 -- Fixed text selection colors in search box.

8/1/09 -- Made some minor adjustment fixes. Removed plus sign for search options.

8/8/09 -- Removed phone book results, but kept link.

9/15/09 -- Addressed changes made by Google to drop down menu and removed forums results.

10/8/09 -- Using new multi-column style, since prior script no longer works. Other minor changes.

11/27/09 -- Fixed drop down search box position and font

12/04/09 -- Removed part of footer that appeared. Fixed search box on search home page.

12/5/09 -- Revamped the coding for the columns somewhat.

12/6/09 -- Continuing to work on code.

12/11/09 -- Made adjustments for differences between "" versus other versions of search result pages.

12/18/09 -- Fixed search box drop down menu pushing results down.

12/22/09 -- Fixed position of "Did you mean to search for:" Removed other statements.

1/16/10 -- Think I have the results position fixed now.

1/16/10 (2) -- Still fiddling around. For some reason I'm finding the position of Google search results varies on different computers, even when the same search address prefix is used.

5/6/10 -- Think I cleaned up most of the mess created by Google's new sidebar

5/1/10 -- The drop down autocomplete menu was hidden behind the search results.

5/31/10 -- Adjusted the script to accommodate two lines of Google messages (e.g. Showing results for... & Search instead for the original terms...), while maintaining maximum possible real estate for results.

10/7/10 -- Fixed "more" dropdown menu

12/3/10 -- Updated code to remove and reposition certain elements

12/19/10 -- Repaired some elements so they display correctly

1/27/11 -- Fixed a minor overflow issue and made a couple of other minor adjustments

2/2/11 -- Fixed "more" drop down menu

2/20/11 -- Modified new header bar

2/24/11 -- Changed images to base64. Repositioned some elements.

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