Wikipedia - cites fainter and without brackets

Added by 84user@userstyles, Created: Nov 03, 2008, Updated: Nov 05, 2008
With the style applied


Wikipedia - cites fainter and without brackets.

This style removed the brackets from Wikipedia's inline citations and makes the remaining numbers fainter. Adapted from "Wikipedia - fainter inline cites" derived from code by It works on the English, German and French wikipedia domains.

This style sheet modifies the appearance of Wikipedia articles such that inline reference cites will appear without brackets (so "[23]" will appear as just "23"), but they will become highlighted in yellow when you move the mouse over the paragraph that contains them. This is intended to first make them inconspicuous, but also reasonably easy to find when you want to.

* brackets remain in cites inside wikipedia table cells (because those have no span elements)

Related styles:

"Wikipedia - bolder inline cites" at Wikipedia - bolder inline cites by 84user

"Wikipedia - fainter inline cites" at Wikipedia - fainter inline cites by 8

Applies to:,,

Related styles:

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