Basilmarket LITE Testing Theme

Added by AnnaDragon@userstyles, Created: Nov 03, 2008, Updated: Nov 05, 2008
With the style applied


Basilmarket LITE is now heading in a whole different direction. Thanks to my Mental Breakdown and my "I can't do it"s, I was able to see this theme in a whole new light. The old Basilmarket LITE was really glitchy, and I didn't have the skills (nor the attention span) to wipe them all out. So I thought of a completely new design.

Some details...The newer design will still move the Menu Bar up behind the logo. The old design had to use a lot of codes that were messing up my head to move all the buttons up, and it jumps around when I hover over the buttons. Plus I couldn't find a way for Sub Menus to appear, one of the reasons for my Mental Breakdown. But this way, I can keep the Sub Menus and put them in a pretty cool way. This new design is even more space efficiant than the old one.

Ok, the entire theme's Head and Sub Menu is done (@_@). This afternoon I will code the GUI since theres no school.

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