But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!
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E-Klase - Skaista klase
* Noņem nost reklāmas, u.c. nevajadzīgas lietas.
* Uzsvērta tieši ielogošanās.
Atjaunots "Skaista Klase" kods. Koda pamats pieder Aleksejam Popovam, kas to bija iesācis veidot kā spraudni priekš Google Chrome.
Kods pielabots.
More info
- Kods pieskaņots no «Skaista Klase» plugin.
First install FreeStyler to use this style.
If you already installed it, please, make sure this site is allowed to run JavaScript.But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!
Applies to: