Doxygen clean

Added by Jonhoo@userstyles, Created: Jan 30, 2014, Updated: Jan 31, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • Original Doxygen style


Cleans up the default output of Doxygen by removing gloss, limiting page width, updating the color scheme, etc.

More info
Note that this style will *not* necessarily work well for customized Doxygen styles (customized headers for example look a bit ugly at the moment), and it will *not* work for documentation generated by older version of Doxygen (< 1.8).

The stylesheet is set up to run for all URLs containing /doxygen/ or ://doxygen. by default, but since that's not necessarily the format of all Doxygen documentation pages, you may want to add your own.

Applies to:
.*/doxygen/.*, .*://doxygen\..*

Related styles:

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