Instagram Original Size Media

Added by ya_kareshka@userstyles, Created: Feb 16, 2014, Updated: Apr 21, 2015


Makes all the media in your feed to be displayed at their actual size

(640×640px instead of 512×512px).

More info
v1.1.5 (04/21/2015)
Some improvements for displaying the location names.

v1.1.4 (03/06/2015)
Small bug fix.

v1.1.3 (03/05/2015)
Fixed the width of bio section.
The link in profile bio is now displayed on the new line.
The width of the dropdown menu under the media depends now on the inner links width.
Fixed minor padding issues.

v1.1.2 (02/02/2015)
Fixed minor padding issues.

v1.1.1 (01/15/2015)
Fixed incorrect follow-button width.

v1.1 (12/24/2014)
Fixed a bug where the pagination arrows were too close to the modal media-layer.

v1.0.9 (05/28/2014)
The size of user profile pics has been slightly reduced to avoid an issue with incorrect profile pic size on the follow-recommendations screen.

v1.0.8 (05/09/2014)
Increased the area for location names.

v1.0.7 (05/07/2014)
Fixed a small bug that caused long location names to be cut off on the Instagram timeline.

v1.0.6 (02/28/2014)
Fixed the photo-grid header height issue when user had less than 7 pics.

v1.0.5 (02/22/2014)
Small bug-fix.

v1.0.4 (02/21/2014)
User profile pics are shown at their original size now too.

v1.0.3 (02/19/2014)
Fixed a small bug that caused long usernames to be cut off on the Instagram timeline.

v1.0.2 (02/19/2014)
Fixed some minor bugs.

v1.0.1 (02/18/2014)
Photos and videos are also shown now at their actual size on the single-media page.

v1.0.0 (02/17/2014)
The first version of “Instagram Original Size Media” userstyle is available.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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