n-Category cafe theme v2.0

Added by math182@userstyles, Created: Nov 28, 2008, Updated: Nov 30, 2008
With the style applied


An n-category cafe theme. The width of the text area is a bit larger, and the colours are a light blue-white theme, and the textarea for the comments pop-up window is bigger.

Different fonts are used --- in Version 2 it is a Georgia based font (thus similar to the original, except this font is also used in the text part of math equations). Note that text and math fonts can be selected separately (one can have an Arial text font and a Linux Libertine math font, for example).

In order of preference, the text mode font selected is:

Georgia, DejaVu Serif, BitStream Vera Serif, Linux Libertine, Constantia, Cambria Math, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSize1, STIXGeneral, Symbol.

The math mode fonts are also the same, i.e. in order of preference:

Georgia, DejaVu Serif, BitStream Vera Serif, Linux Libertine, Constantia, Cambria Math, STIXNonUnicode, STIXSize1, STIXGeneral, Symbol.

That is, they are the same as the text fonts. But this can be changed by editing this style, i.e. clicking

Applies to:
http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/, http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/cgi-bin/MT-3.0/sxp-comments.fcgi

Related styles:

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