MLB Gameday in the Dark

Added by xanthine.alkaloid@userstyles, Created: May 28, 2014, Updated: Jul 08, 2014


This style is a dark theme for Gameday on

As of now, everything should be done!

Fwiw, I noticed I missed the player stats panel you get to by clicking on their name, so I have it styled now.

(only tested on Fx)

Applies to:
https?://[^/]*mlb\.com/mlb/gameday/.*, https?://[^/]*mlb\.com/shared/components/gameday/gdapp/.*, https?://[^/]*mlb\.com/mlb/gameday/responsive/player/wired.*, https?://[^/]*mlb\.com/shared/components/gameday/gamefeed/.*

Related styles:

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