MightyText - Dark Poppies (Minimalist)

Added by tightirl@userstyles, Created: Jul 18, 2014, Updated: Oct 05, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


left in in case someone wanted to mess with it
This is the first time I have uploaded any code for public consumption so I certainly wouldn't get your hopes up.

This style is focused on de-cluttering, streamlining and darkening the MightyText browser-based application. Mighty text download/info can be found here:

Note: All the changes I made were to "Classic View" so if you use the power view, move along.

More info
Developed on Chrome V 37.0.2062.103 m

V 1.3
-Changed the script to apply to the domain instead of a specific URL (web6/web7 etc)
-Better/more universal formatting.
-Added background image to conversation thread
-Changed some aesthetics (colors, sizes, margins etc)

V 1.2
-CSS more user-friendly
-Streamlining/fine-tuning layout and debugs.
-Reverted to a previous stage of development in regards to some of the aesthetics.

V 1.1
Made some improvements after seeing how it appeared on different setups. Fixed some minor bugs and changed some colors. Nothing major.

V 1.0
I have a strong suspicion that although things work smoothly and look good on my specific device with my specific settings, you might not have the same luck. I am certainly open to suggestions and always willing to learn.

A couple (obvious) things to check if things aren't working:
-minimum font size in your browser settings (12pt or less)
-conflicting userstyles

If you have any comments, suggestions, or advice, please don't hesitate to email me. Thanks!

Applies to:

Related styles:

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