Dark Gray Google (www.google.com)

Added by IbnAhmed@userstyles, Created: Dec 15, 2008, Updated: Jul 02, 2009
With the style applied



(Actualización del primero de Julio). Actualicé los vínculosde imágenes, videos y mapas que habían dejado de funcionar. Este diseño está basado en el "Dark Gray Google" de QuiestioMarkFTW. La principal, y unica diferencia, es que he cambiado .ca por .com. En la versión original era imposible navegar en .com con las características en negro. Por ende, hice esta versión corrigiendo ese error. Espero que la disfruten...


(Update on the 1 of July). I updated the link of images, videos and maps that stoped working. This style is based in "Dark Gray Google" by QuestionMarkFTW. The big difference is that I have changed .ca to .com; it was imposible in the original version navigating at google.com with dark gray color. So, I did this version fixing that error. Enjoy it!!....I am a Spanish speaker, because of that my screenshot is in spanish :D hope you can read it.

Applies to:
http://www.google.com/webhp, http://www.google.com/search?, http://video.google.com/, http://www.google.com/advanced_search... More »

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