NewsBlur - Flat & Clean Plus

Added by wzol@userstyles, Created: Aug 19, 2014, Updated: Oct 18, 2014
  • With the style applied
  • With the style applied (Generated screenshot)
  • Without the style applied (Generated screenshot)


No gradients, no shadows, no uppercase, multiline article list without date and author, smaller, easier to read feed list elements, clean and modern look, and also in some cases it is faster. This is a polished version of the great userstyle from Paulo Schilling (aka Skilling).

More info
- changed the selected article look

- more difference between read and unread articles
- more highlight for the selected article
- green highlight won't show up at saved articles

- trained articles are now highlighted with color in the article lists

2014-08-25 more:
- removed Open Sans (not used anymore)
- many fixes for List view for Feed and Text mode (hopefully)
- date is only hidden in split view
- tweaked River of News view

- fixed tagging buttons at contents
- styled comment section headers
- fixed collapse, unread, text, icons allignments in the tree
- fixed resizer splitters for top and down view
- increased compatibility with custom text sizes

2014-08-19 more:
- splitters/resizers restyled
- vertical cursor indicator is visible again in articles
- "Shared by" part polished
- made the icons a little less "loud"
- realigned the share/train button contents
- fixed some colors in the footer

- more cleaner style
- Share dialog displays correctly
- Save dialog displays correctly
- Changed the font to Segoe UI because of the foreign characters
- made the article list items multilined to avoid loading more than 60 article contents at once in split view
- enhanced article titles in the article list
- the read/unread difference is more clear at the article list and at the stories
- styled the buttons
- styled the footer

By Zoltan Wacha:

Based on the fine work of Paulo Schilling:

Applies to:

Related styles:

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