In this article, I will go over the basic types of roulette and take a closer look at the roulette wheel layout and roulette table layout. If you don’t know the basics of roulette, you should also read my article about roulette rules and odds. Your Cart is Empty Table Foam Materials usually come down to personal preference. The fanciest roulette wheels are made from very high-quality wood and metals. If you want your wheel to look good in addition to serving its primary function, you may need to invest in a more expensive piece. Beautiful gold-lining and solid wood don’t come cheap, but you don’t need the most expensive wheels to have fun. Also, make sure to read the following frequently asked questions about the differences between the American and European roulette wheel rules. It is important to be very well aware of the specific rules of the roulette wheel and its table before betting with real money. So, check the roulette wheel layout questions!