Background Smoother for The Steam Discovery Update

Added by XinwxHleak@userstyles, Created: Sep 23, 2014, Updated: Sep 29, 2014


Steam's "Just For You update" introduces a lot of new things - including a pixelated, noisy, and frankly low quality looking background. This simply replaces it with a much smoother version.
This does not apply to the same thing on the background of game pages, Steam has some pre-generated overlay thing going on instead of just having the blue background at 50% opacity over the game image.

More info
[2014/09/29] 1.1 - On game pages' background
Replaced Steam's generated screenshot with pixely "blue_body_repeat" overlayed over it with the smoother version of "blue_body_repeat".
Removed "game_page_background_shadow" that was causing an abrupt line.

[2014/09/23] 1.0 - Release, changes "blue_body_darker_repeat", "blue_body_repeat", and "blue_body_top" with a smoother version of each.

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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