Show the User Agent on the forum

Added by hideheader@userstyles, Created: Oct 06, 2014, Updated: Nov 06, 2014
With the style applied


Displays the UA string of the browser that was used to post the message to the forum.

Works on the GreasyFork forum, too.

More info
Note: You'll see the same string if you hover over the icon in the post that represents the browser that made the post, so you don't really need this at all. (But you may want it anyway.)

Thank you, Jason, for adding browser information to the forum posts.

2014-10-07 Let the UA string wrap like normal text.
2014-10-08 Add GreasyFork.
2014-11-06 Greasyfork changed its URL pattern.

Applies to:,, https?://[a-z]+/forum/discussion/.*

Related styles:

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