
Added by z@userstyles, Created: Jan 12, 2009, Updated: Jan 13, 2009
With the style applied


zDarkSlashDot - 01/13/09 - by -z- of www.nexuizninjaz.com

Based on the DarkSlashdot theme (Aug 16 2006). - DarkSlashDot

I've updated it a bit and spiced things up. It's not
yet complete but it's much improved over the previous
addressing some changes in the markup since the author's
last update.

If I make another update, I will post it with
a date with the format in the title of this sheet:


where 01.13.09 is day.month.year

I encourage others to do the same. However, I request
if you release it within 30 days of my last date, you
prefix the date in the title with a 'p' to indicate a patch


this way I can disolve it into any additions I may be working on.


Applies to:

Related styles:

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