z - ubuntuforums.org - Brown v0.7 beta

Added by z@userstyles, Created: Apr 28, 2009, Updated: Apr 29, 2009
With the style applied


I use a dark skin and the white ubuntu forums blind me. I slowly started working at my style on the most important/frequented pages. Someone noticed my skin in a screenshot I posted on the forums and asked about it. It gave me the kick in the butt I needed to go from 40% to 70% and I've just about wrangled the styles. Sorry about the lack of comments in the CSS, I'll update it once I get things sorted out.

The forum lacked some id's and classes where I'd hope (one would assume) there would be. This lead me to use some interesting CSS2 selectors.

I've encoded a new logo in base64.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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