Dark Hummingbird

Added by Eagle1337@userstyles, Created: Nov 23, 2014, Updated: Nov 24, 2014
With the style applied


A dark hummingbird theme, I started off with http://freestyler.ws/style/100425/gray-hummingbird and merged a few bits of http://freestyler.ws/style/100395/hummingbird-fixes into it. I've since added in a bit of my own style into it. everything should be at least readable, I still need to tweak bits of contrast in areas.

More info
To Do List
- Tweak contrast more
- Transparent menus?
- Maybe move the edit button more to the left
- Fix up the random buttons that aren't the color I want
- Fix Edit page
- Change all hummingbird logos to the hummingbird

- Manga page isn't white anymore; Still a work in progress
- Various contrast fixes
- Few minor color changes
I still have some more tweaking to do but this at least makes everything that I've seen readable.

Original Release:
Main changes from Gray HB:
All backgrounds should be gray, no more light gray text on a white background
I've styled my own buttons.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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