Hide Facebook Newsfeed

Added by lucaskauz@userstyles, Created: Dec 06, 2014, Updated: Dec 06, 2014
With the style applied


You use facebook for work? You Like facebook but are spending too much time looking this time sucking machine?

This is for you.

Do not delete or unfollow your friends if you can simple hide your newsfeed and the right newsfeed too.

This style keep the pages, groups and other timelines intact, in case you need it. Only hide what can damage your productivity.

More info
If you are experiencing problems tell me :)

This style was created by me for one simple reason. I need facebook. I use groups, have pages to administrate, have friends, talk to clients, etc. But when I open facebook the first thing I used to see was the newsfeed, and then I fall on this trap.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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