Hide owned games in GOG

Added by snuggest@userstyles, Created: Dec 07, 2014, Updated: Dec 07, 2014
With the style applied


When browsing GOG store front, hides any games you already own. Also adds color-coded star ratings. Also hides the Mac/Win icons and highlights the Linux icon (see below for how to change).

More info
A potentially unwanted effect is that the Win/Mac icons will be hidden. If you game on Windows, the loss of the windows icon is probably irrelevant, since essentially all games on GOG run on Win systems already. However, you may want to bring the Mac icon back; if so, just remove ".icon-mac, " from the style (it's only in one place; be sure to cleanly delete from the period to the comma). I needed to do this because otherwise there's not enough space to bring back the ratings bar.

Rating color code:

0.0-1.9 = black
2.0-2.9 = red
3.0-3.9 = pink
4.0-4.1 = yellow
4.2-4.4 = yellow green
4.5-4.7 = dark green
4.8-5.0 = bright green

Applies to:

Related styles:

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