This style was deleted by its author, take@userstyles

take@userstyles deleted this style because of "Instead of maintaining a separate style for this, I've chosen to make it a subset of my base16-tomorrow style. If you'd like the default theme with just the font changes, send me a message and I'll make that if there's enough demand."

Try Slack Tomorrow Dark (base16) - Monospaced instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Slack

Monospace Font & Condenser for Slack

Added by take@userstyles, Created: Dec 08, 2014, Updated: Nov 14, 2015
No screenshot


Changes the font to Input Sans Narrow, and defaults to system Monospace if you don't have that.

Condenses the message view, hiding user images and reducing spacing all around.

More info
Licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0. 2014. Dan Arnold.

Thanks to lacour@userstyles, Jonathan la Cour, for creating Slack Night Mode,, off which I grabbed some selectors for the font changes. Changelog

Version 0.5

Updated to fix the changes that the huge new margins broke.

Version 0.4

Added another selector for another new message input field.

Version 0.3

Added selector for new message input field.

Version 0.2

Fixed an issue with the font in the unread bar getting messed up.

Version 0.1

This is very much still a work in progress, but it's functional for now.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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