Font Awesome cheatsheet: better printing

Added by oxguy3@userstyles, Created: Dec 11, 2014, Updated: Jan 06, 2016
  • With the style applied
  • Without the style applied
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Makes the for the Font Awesome icon set print out in 3 pages instead of 13. This is done by making the icons use 4 columns instead of just 1, and by removing some less important info.

More info
If you use Font Awesome icons a lot, you probably need to refer to the icon list pretty frequently. Font Awesome has a cheatsheet for all of its icons It looks lovely and compact on a screen, but when you try to print it, every icon will be put into 1 column and it'll take around 13 pages.

This is ridiculous, so I restored the columns and removed the alias labels and Unicode. With these changes, it fits on three pages (your browser may say there are four pages, but the fourth page should be blank so you can omit it).

Assuming Font Awesome doesn't change the layout of their cheatsheet, this style should continue work even as new updates to Font Awesome are released.

Update (2016-01-06): Font Awesome has removed the "(alias)" labels that used to be on the page, changed the HTML for Unicode values, and they've added version numbers. I've fixed the Unicode logic and hidden the version numbers. I also made it so you can customize whether or not version numbers and/or Unicode values appear in your printout.

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
oxguy3@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Font Awesome cheatsheet: better printing, to the extent allowed by law.

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