GardenWeb Houzz Colors

Added by molanic@userstyles, Created: Feb 15, 2015, Updated: Mar 21, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • List of threads with default colors.
Font face for reading posts.
Font size reading posts, examples: 110%, or 16px
Font face for writing posts.
Font size writing posts, examples: 110%, or 16px
Links main color.
Links already visited color.
Links hover over color.
Main body color.
Background color for topics list, post text, writing post.
Border color for color above.


For GardenWeb forum pages on Houzz. This style is limited to changing styles on the domain and (for when you get e-mails for links to discussions). It will not change the other areas of Houzz unless you edit the code. This style let's you set your own font face and size for the posts and reply box text, as well as link and background colors. It should allow you to have less eye strain with less white backgrounds and a clearer font.

More info
Update 3/21/15: Minor tweaks, added line to change all default fonts manually in code (commented out by default).

Update 2/23/15: Minor tweaks and adding !important tags to some things to avoid them from being overridden.

Update 2/18/15: I changed the default body font to 100%, and changed the font options to allow entry as anything so you can use %, px, pt, em. I thought using % would be better than pixels for scalability.

Update 2/17/15: I changed this style to only affect colors and fonts, and moved the layout changes to another new style GardenWeb Houzz Layout. That way I can experiment with the layout without undoing the user options for colors every time. Both styles can be applied simultaneously.

Update 2/16/15: I lightened it up a bit, and added the option to set your own colors and fonts before installing. I also was trying to do some layout changes to avoid horizontal scrolling on smaller displays. To help with that I hid the right side bar and the "back to top" arrow, but that code can be commented out. I also limited the style to change just and the discussions directory of Houzz, so it won't mess up the nicer look elsewhere on the site.

I commented the code to describe what is being altered and used basic named colors to make it easier for others to see them and change them. The colors may be too dark for most. I made the basic font Verdana and made the hyperlinks toned-down "old school" colors also. Later I may read up on how to make it easier to customize here if I have time. I only really tested it on the forum pages, but it is easy enough to turn off elsewhere.

Applies to:,
CC0 1.0 Universal.
molanic@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to GardenWeb Houzz Colors, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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