Disable Kongregate Chat

Added by tobyux@userstyles, Created: Feb 07, 2009, Updated: Feb 08, 2009
With the style applied


If you've played on Kongregate, you might feel the same way I do about the quality of the chat, especially when you're just trying to take your mind off things. Muting isn't enough, because the stupidity of the chat room is not cleared. This script will move the chat that you see when you play games off the side of the game IFRAME out of sight. You can still get badges and such, but you won't get the feedback from the chat window, just down below.

**I make no guarantees that this script work for you. I suggest you try with a stupid game first, lest your hard work go digitally unrewarded.**

I experimented with display:none and visibility:hidden, but those block the Kong API from recording the game. If someone has a better way to do this, let me know.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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