Player (In Black!)

Added by Seph Warwick (TehSeph)@userstyles, Created: Mar 24, 2015, Updated: Apr 01, 2015
With the style applied


An updated version of Cronhound's " Darker"

More info
Latest Update: April 1st, 2015
Latest Change: Styled "Manage Tags" modal in profiles.

Current Features:

- Cron's original darker theme
- Notifications / Messaging dropdowns
- Popovers and User-profile popups
- Modals (Images, YouTube, Followers, etc.)
- Profiles
- Browse
- Chat Windows
- Colorized Staff

Planned Features:

- Whatever else @maktouch decides to throw at me! (✧ω✧)

Follow @TehSeph on for updates and send me a message if you find any bugs!

Applies to:
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Seph Warwick (TehSeph)@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Player (In Black!), to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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