This style was deleted by its author, hsrstud@userstyles

hsrstud@userstyles deleted this style

Try Google Search 20/20 instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Google

GReader Redesigned... and then some

Added by hsrstud@userstyles, Created: Feb 15, 2009, Updated: Jul 01, 2011
With the style applied


This style is designed to work in tandem with the original Redesigned style (

Additional changes I made:
1. Slight modifications to positioning of elements on Home page and removed footer
2. Removed "Starred items", "Your stuff", "Notes", "Trends", "Browse for stuff", "Learn more", and sharing sidebar buttons
3. Modified "Add Subscriptions" button font colors and height (made it adjustable based on # of feeds)
4. Repositioned buttons in feed list header bar and removed details link
5. Removed stars and put "go to article" buttons in their place
6. Removed "Add star", "Share", "Share with note", and "Edit tags" buttons in preview pane
7. Other less prominent changes

9/8/10 -- Addressed changes made to code
1/31/11 -- Made a few minor changes, including absolving the need to adjust the length of the feed list for different monitors.
6/27/11 -- Updated to address Google code changes
6/28/11 -- Made a few more adjustments

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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