This style was deleted by its author, anagrammar@userstyles

anagrammar@userstyles deleted this style because of "VK did a major overhaul and I don't feel like fixing it."

Try Reddit Inverted RES Compatible (Any Browser)FF35+ instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Vk

VK Wide-Video-Section (Chrome) min 1366 x 768

Added by anagrammar@userstyles, Created: May 13, 2015, Updated: May 13, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • audio-open


Just what the title says. Please do read "Additional Info". If you'd also prefer a darker VK, chck out my other style: VK Dark-Blue w/ Subtle Texture (Any Browser) FF35+

More info
IMPORTANT: This style is Chrome only for now (Opera and other Chromium browsers should work but I haven't tested them) and is for resolutions of 1366 x 768 or higher. VK loads pages differently than most sites, essentially loading new content onto what is technically the same page. The latest Chrome Stylish can differentiate between the url's, but the Firefox version still can't. Not even the Chrome extension can handle these transitions perfectly, but I've made the necessary adjustments to make everything work properly. I chose to make it wide for the video section only because the rest of the site is not at all designed to be wide and everything ends up looking oddly sparse. In order to make sure all the popups remain positioned correctly when transitioning back and forth, the audio and notification pop-ups are all always fixed in the upper right corner. The main options menu is converted to a drop-down menu on video pages. The small audio control is shrunken to about half size, and the larger audio pop-up opens directly under it. If you're using the "Additional settings" extension, the fast forward/rewind buttons have been moved to fit. It also is probably a good idea to clear history/cache before using this style because that extension can store a couple positioning rules in the browser that can't be overridden. I use Adblock so if there's any ads interfering with anything I wouldn't know and I'm not looking to find out.

Applies to:, https?://vk\.com/video(s|\?).*

Related styles:

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