This style was deleted by its author, HyphenSam@userstyles

HyphenSam@userstyles deleted this style because of "Have no desire to maintain this style."

Try - Night Mode instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Voat

Disable Voat's share overlay

Added by HyphenSam@userstyles, Created: Jul 10, 2015, Updated: Jul 10, 2015
No screenshot


This will disable Voat's share overlay when dragging text around the website.

More info
Here is a Gfycat video explaining it better:

Note: Dragging links on the page will prompt you to submit a link to Voat. Unfortunately CSS can't change this, so you will have to use a UserScript. Fortunately has made a script to completely get rid of the share overlay.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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