Dark Weasyl Forums 2.0

Added by Serpentha@userstyles, Created: Jul 19, 2015, Updated: Aug 06, 2015
  • With the style applied
  • Version 2.1: Post example


A dark theme edit for the Weasyl forums theme: Weasyl 2.0

More info
This style only works with Weasyl 2.0 forum theme. You can change your forum theme in Settings > General Settings > Miscellaneous Options ( it's at the bottom ) > Forum Skin. Choose Weasyl 2.0 in the pull down menu, then Save Changes.

Version 1: Only the most basic areas ( the posts and threads ) have been edited, other areas like settings and the twitter widget aren't styled yet ( but will be ). There's likely a few areas I missed but I will get to them too, no worries.

Version 2: Edits to some post buttons, the quick reply field, various thread options, and parts of the advanced reply settings.

Version 2.1 That pesky edit post button.

Applies to:

Related styles:

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