This style was deleted by its author, mipu@userstyles

mipu@userstyles deleted this style because of "Unfortunately, this style has been deleted. I may in the future work on a more streamlined version. However, for the time being, it is no longer being maintained due to other commitments and time restraints. Thank you for all who have installed this style! Hopefully one day Neopets will come out with a full-fledged mobile solution, but until then please feel free to delete/use/modify/share this style in anyway you choose."

Try Neopets Steven Universe Theme instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Neopets

Neopets Mobile Friendly (Beta)

Added by mipu@userstyles, Created: Sep 02, 2015, Updated: Sep 22, 2015
No screenshot

Description: Tried my hand at making a simple design for Neopets that is usable on mobile devices such as phones and tablets. Disclaimer: I am still testing this. Some areas of the site may be slightly glitchy or incompatible with this style.

More info
Install and on your mobile device in order to use this style.

Navigation and notification bar icons from

v0.2.3 - Vertical navigation stutter fix, formatting adjustments
v0.2.2 - Stock market tweak, create topic formatting, bug fixes
v0.2.0 - Updated design and layout, new click-to-show navigation, NT font issues fix, Random Event fix
v0.1.2 - Dailies support, bug fixes
v0.1.0 - Initial release

Known issues:
- To view another pet in Quick Ref, you must first deselect the other

Note: Flash objects (eg. many games and wheels) may not be supported on your device.

Applies to:!guild.phtml.*|userlookup.phtml.*|petlookup.phtml.*|*|gallery/index.phtml\?gu=.*|(p|u)l_preview.phtml*|~.*).*,,, More »

Related styles:

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