Steamgifties Black

Added by Mullins@userstyles, Created: Feb 21, 2015, Updated: Mar 25, 2017
  • With the style applied
  • Trades
  • Discussions
  • Discussion thread
Remove spoiler tags
Reveal hidden links
Add support for SG++ addon
Add support for Blacklist/whitelist indicator addon
Add support for Easy Steamgifts addon
Highlight visited links
Add support for TouHou Giveaways Helper
Add support for SG2O
Avatar size
Add support for Extended Steamgifts
Navigation-bar button color
Add support for rhSGST


Black-themed skin for

Requires Stylish, grab it here > - -

Important: read the notes for a description of each option!

↓↓↓ Select options below ↓↓↓

More info

2.7.2 - fixed sg++ grid view.
2.7.1 - fixed spacer between giveaways; updated rhSGST style.
2.7 - added option to change the navbar button color (black/white); added support for rhSGST.
2.6.1 - fixed style in sg++ config page.
2.6 - added support for Extended Steamgifts.
2.5.3 - fixed date format.
2.5.2 - added option to resize avatar in comments.
2.5.1 - tweaked image borders; increased avatar size in comments.
2.5 - added support for SG2O.
2.4.7 - added stats page.
2.4.6 - added option to mark visited threads.
2.4.5 - removed sgtools support.
2.4.4 - added option for sgtools to remove ads and center content.
2.4.3 - added support for Touhou Giveaways Helper.
2.4.2 - updated sgtools style.
2.4.1 - added color-blind friendly color palette for sgtools.
2.4 - added black theme (SGToolsy :3).
2.3 - added color scheme for profile icons and labels; fixed sg++ now-online tooltip avatar.
2.2 - fixed invisible links inside spoiler tags.
2.1.9 - fixed navbar icons alignment after sg update.
2.1.8 - expanded view for replies in messages page; changed color for visited links; removed fix for long replies (implemented on sg's side).
2.1.7 - special characters won't go outside comment boxes.
2.1.6 - added option to mark visited links (useful for GA trains with multiple options).
2.1.5 - fixed issue with long replies.
2.1.4 - fixed word break in long replies.
2.1.3 - fixed grid view for sg++.
2.1.2 - applied skin to pop-ups.
2.1.1 - removed "active" state from buttons.
2.1 - tweaked top navigation menu; changed buttons color scheme; level display changed; animated (some) menu/links; fixed compatibility with sg++.
2.0.1 - changed giveaway icons color scheme (whitelist, group, region, level, invite).
2.0 - added compatibility with easy steamgifts.
1.9 - fixed compatibility for sg++ and sg drop-down menu.
1.8 - fixed edit/cancel button for ga creation and replies; made the ga lv indicator easier to read.
1.7 - fixed birthday icon color.
1.6 - tweaked sg++ tag icon color.
1.5 - removed old options; added hidden link detection; fixed background color with footer; added support for some addons/scripts.



Remove spoiler tags (default OFF)
makes text in spoiler tags readable (it doesn't completely remove the spoiler so you know what is being hidden)

Reveal hidden links (default OFF)
adds an asterisk (*) to every link in the comments combo (normal links will also show an asterisk, can't do anything else with just css).

Add support for SG++ addon (default ON)
adds compatibility for

Add support for Blacklist/whitelist indicator addon (default ON)
adds compatibility for

Add support for Easy Steamgifts addon (default ON)
adds compatibility for (Chrome only)

Highlight visited links (default ON)
changes links color for visited pages. useful to browse giveaway trains with multiple links.
option to highlight visited threads in the forum.

Add support for Touhou Giveaways Helper addon (default ON)
adds compatibility for

Add support for Extended Steamgifts addon (default ON)
adds compatibility for

Change navigation bar button color (default BLACK)
changes between black or white buttons on the navigation bar (wins/sent-gifts/messages icons).

Add support for rhSGST addon (default ON)
adds compatibility for

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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