IBM Verse - #tamu - Base Camp - Widescreen

Added by Steve Bergman@userstyles, Created: Sep 24, 2015, Updated: Apr 26, 2017
With the style applied
Folder width (in pixels)
Preview top (in %)
Preview left (in %)
Preview width (in %)
Preview height (in %)
Width & height fudge (in %)
Font for Subject (* for default)
Font for Most (except Subject/Preview)
Font for Preview (overrides Most)
Hover highlight
Important subject/abstract
Show YourNotes/Abstract?
Enable animations?
Dim screen on Compose?
Show Calendar Hover?


The Agile Mail Update - Now in 3D!

This style has updates to better utilize screen real estate. Make sure you switch into threaded view (the button just to the left of the refresh wheel), the threaded view of notes is compressed to the practical minimum. The folder listing is shrunk allowing many more names to be shown.

The inbox listing is colored so unread, read, important, meetings, selected is very apparent, as they are intermingled.

In addition, it 'skins' all of Verse to be a more colorful. Occasionally, the original colors bleed through in a portion of the tool I haven't used and thus, haven't updated.

This style mimics the base tool colors to a great extent.

Overrides: the 'px' & '%' suffixes needs to be there, don't remove them!

More info
Important disclaimer: This extension is NOT supported by IBM. Any issue must be sent to myself only (do not open a PMR).

This extension is provided AS IS.

Applies to:,,
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Steve Bergman@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to IBM Verse - #tamu - Base Camp - Widescreen, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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