A very simple userscript to remove most of the navigational buttons and customisation buttons from an inventory management page. Written for a slightly customized GLPI 0.85
I am using this userstyle, in combonation with a 3rd party skin (CSS and JS), as well as some edits to GLPI's PHP files (like the inclusion of the "hideme" class) to create a more simple UI intended to be used on a large touch-screen for simple searches and maybe inventory additions. I took screenshots of GLPI's demo page just to show it in use, but in practice I have changed the second line from "glpi-project.org" to my own local intranet site. To everyone who may find this style useful: change the domain from this sample one to your own domains, and it'll work like a charm for both of you.
More info
I will probably never update this file, but if I do I will post the newer versions on my GitHub over here: https://github.com/Linkz57/r-webwork/blob/master/userscripts/glpiBare.css
First install FreeStyler to use this style.
If you already installed it, please, make sure this site is allowed to run JavaScript.But you can download Freestyler for other browsers and apply styles there!
Applies to: