Material Userstyles

Added by DecentM@userstyles, Created: May 10, 2015, Updated: Mar 08, 2017
Primary color (usually darker then the secondary color)
Secondary color (usually lighter than the primary)
Accent color (usually vastly different from the primary)
Secondary accent (usually a bit lighter than the accent color)
Link thickening (not currently used)


This userstyle will apply a cool material design theme to
The following sites are changed:, and the "Request a style" form.

I recommend you use this site when picking colors:

Known bugs:
- When choosing light colors, text can sometimes be unreadable. I'm working on this. In the meantime, please experiment with darker colors.

More info
v2.4.1 was changed, the new table row and field borders are hidden to keep the original, material-ish look.
The "New private message" form on the forum is now colored properly
Fixed some elements that are only shown when not logged in (both on the forum and the main site)
Icons everywhere! The style now imports Font Awesome as a font, and thus I began to implement icons for most UI elements. For now, only the main site has new icons, not sure how I'll go about this for the forum
The frontpage layout is changed again, I think it's good now
Where possible, rating icons have been replaced to arrows with green, red and white coloring. I don't know if it's possible to replace the rest in a reliable way
Fixed style details page so that long text looks better in input fields
Fixed a line so the site now works better on smaller screens (down to 970px)
A few fixes and tweaks
A whole new search with a nice advanced search panel with an experimental flexbox layout
Cards and centered flexbox layout on the frontpage
Fixed some unstyled elements on the forum and the main site
Guiding lines on tables on the main site
The main site now expands on smaller screens like the forum does
A big update again, which contains the following:
A whole new, more material look and layout, with the original style language intact
The forum and the main site now have identical layouts, making them feel even more integrated.
Tons of bugfixes, like text colors, a bit of responsivity and input fields
Fixed bad font rendering on the floating title bar
Fixed autoscroll center being off in webkit (or with an autoscroll addon)
I completed work on the forum theme, so it's in this style again.
If anyone needs it, the previous version is available here:
Userstyles has been updated, with some additional links in the footer, this update styles those.
I accidentally let my compressor remove comments from the code, which removed all colors from the style. If you didn't happen to download/update the theme in the about ten minutes while I was addressing this (which you probably didn't), you should update the style again, and it should work.
I've rewritten the entire style from scratch, with Bootstrap. Right now, it's unoptimized, but all main functions should be good. Expect an optimized version with some tweaks soon (tm) (I know, I changed this from a week, but hey, life)!
I dropped the forum from this theme, you can get it here:
Note, that the forum userstyle is a copy of this one's old version, but I plan on rewriting that as well after this is complete.
I've gotten way better at web design since I last updated this project, so now that I have a bit of free time, I'll probably be updating this style somewhat more frequently.

- Fixed the donation link for good
- Refactored the code, so it should work better on non-gecko browsers, such as Chrome.
- Fixed the donation link on profile pages if one exists
- Thanks for spotting most of these
- Added option to thicken links
- Fixed the forum's search bar
- Adjusted the search box's appearance on the main site, plus added some animations
- Fixed the discussions list sticking out from it's parent
v0.8.5 - Close to v1, I fixed an issue with long style names on the my styles list, they will now properly wrap.
v0.8.1 - Added a partial workaround for the forum dropdowns, I will at some point find a proper solution
- Initial release. Very likely to have some minor bugs, if you find any, please report them in a comment!
- Known bug: Floating menus on the forum are partly obscured by the forum content

Applies to:,,,

Related styles:

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