MYANIMELIST | Tiles For Favorites 1

Added by redubs@userstyles, Created: Oct 21, 2015, Updated: Aug 24, 2016
With the style applied


Tiles for Favourites 1, simply turns the favourites on your profile into a tile-layout!
This was made after made requests, for a better layout for the current favourites system on MAL.

More info
The reason I have not uploaded version 2, instead this one, is because version 2 requires a Tampermonkey userscript (.js script) to run.

Version 2 is placed in the left panel on the profile, with 5 columns by 2 rows of pictures instead of this, where it is 4 columns and 3 rows (2 pictures leftover on the third row).
This script gets rid of the favourite's information, and changes the style into tiles!

Applies to:, .*myanimelist\.net/profile/.*

Related styles:

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