Google Bar - Dark Style

Added by Devo@userstyles, Created: Nov 02, 2015, Updated: Apr 25, 2017
  • With the style applied
  • Style Applied
Background Color
White/Black Icons
Theme Google Button Popups
Google Calendar
Google Contacts
Are you using the old version of Contacts?
Google Docs
Google Drive
Google Finance
Google Hangouts
Google My Account
Google News
Google Play Store
Google Plus
Google Translate
Google Voice
Are you using the old version of Voice?
Google Wallet


This style themes the Google Bar across multiple Google sites to a dark theme. This was developed to match the Dark theme for Gmail as well as my and, ben999_@userstyles's, his, and DeathTBO's

Every item in the CSS has descriptions so you can edit it as you see fit.

More info
2017-04-25: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-04-14: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-04-12: Fixes for the notifications popup. It's sort of a hacky work-around so if anybody knows how to properly theme it, please let me know.
2017-04-10: Fixes for new Google Contacts header.
2017-04-07: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-03-22: Update for class name changes on Google Drive.
2017-02-28: Update for class name changes on Google Drive.
2017-02-24: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-02-20: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-02-02: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-02-01: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-01-31: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-01-30: Minor update to change the path for the Apps button icon. It should look a little more clear now and not so blurry.
2017-01-26: A long overdue major rewrite of the style to make it more simple. The new Google Bar is being rolled out to various services and it creates a lot of conflicts between the old version of the Google Bar and the new version. ****It is important that for certain services you select if you're using the old version or the new version.*** As always if you find some bugs, please start a new discussion.
2017-01-25: Began theming of the Google Bar in the new Google Voice layout. This is still a work in progress and is not complete yet.
2017-01-17: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2017-01-10: Added additional theming to the popup boxes in the Google Bar (the Apps button popup, Notification button popup, and User popup).
2016-12-01: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-11-17: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-11-08: Added theming of the "Reminder to Vote" popup above the Google Bar. The code for this will be removed in subsequent updates following the election.
2016-10-12: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-09-28: Themeing of the Google Bar on Google Keep has been removed because it's no longer necessary. If you think I should update this style to make a black Bar on Google Keep, please post a comment.
2016-09-07: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-06-16: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-05-27: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-05-24: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-05-20: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-04-20: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-04-01: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-03-30: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-03-15: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-03-09: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-02-29: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-02-23: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-02-17: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-01-11: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2016-01-05: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2015-12-17: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2015-12-11: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2015-12-04: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar.
2015-11-23: Made the icon colors for the Apps button and the Bell icon user configurable (black or white).
2015-11-11: Update for class name changes in the Google Bar. Also added theming to the apps button popup in Google Hangouts.
2015-11-04: Added the ability to enable and disable individual sites and allowed for the customization of the background color.
2015-11-02: Initial Release. Right now this will theme the Google Bar on the following sites: Calendar, Contacts, Docs, Drive, Finance, Gmail, Keep, My Account, News, Play Store, Google+, Search Results, Translate, Voice, and Wallet. In future updates I will make individual sites optional and add optional user configuration.

Applies to:,

Related styles:

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