Hide Scrollbar during Games on Lichess.org

Added by Arcticpenguin@userstyles, Created: Nov 20, 2015, Updated: Dec 02, 2015
With the style applied


Prevents the Lichess board from wiggling/jittering/shifting back and forth when there are too many spectators watching a game by hiding the scrollbar during games and while watching Lichess TV.
Here's a new solution that maintains the scrollbar but contains the spectators so the page stays the same height throughout the game: http://freestyler.ws/style/131251/trap-spectators-in-a-box-lichess-org

More info
This fixes the issue causing the Lichess game board to wiggle/jitter/move when there are large numbers of spectators. Turning this on will force hide the scrollbar on the game page and on Lichess TV. The extra spectators will never cause the browser to add a scrollbar when the page text overflows the height of your screen. This stops the board from shifting slightly to the left and right as the scrollbar appears and disappears.

Applies to:
.*lichess\.org/tv.*, .*lichess\.org/(?=[\w]{8}).*, .*lichess\.org/tournament.*, .*lichess\.org/analysis.*... More »
CC0 1.0 Universal.
Arcticpenguin@userstyles has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to Hide Scrollbar during Games on Lichess.org, to the extent allowed by law.

Related styles:

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