WrongPlanet.net - Clean Dark (Forum Only)

Added by SerOrange@userstyles, Created: Jan 03, 2016, Updated: Jan 03, 2016
No screenshot


Gives the Wrong Planet forum a cleaner and darker look.

NOTE: This style is still in development and is not finished yet.

More info
--- Work in Progress ---

This style is not finished yet. Some site elements will look a bit off while others wont be styled at all. Things will change with time, maybe a lot, maybe a little. The CSS is also a mess in some regards, which will be cleaned up and fixed within time.

For now, feel free to use the style whilst I'm working on it. The main forum sections are pretty much done.

Feel free to comment and give feedback as you see fit.

Applies to:
https?://(www.)?wrongplanet.net/(forums/?|your-profile)(.*), https?://(www.)?wrongplanet.net/forums/(index.php)?

Related styles:

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