This style was deleted by its author, 098v@userstyles

098v@userstyles deleted this style because of "Need to update"

Try Instagram Dark Theme v1.17 [Updated regularly] instead of this deleted style.

See more styles for Instagram

MintyGram [Updated]

Added by 098v@userstyles, Created: Feb 04, 2016, Updated: Jul 15, 2016
No screenshot


I didn't like the colour swatch Instagram was using so I changed it too be like this. If it stops working, Instagram probably changed the names for the elements, just message me and I'll push out a new update. I also added some stuff like when your mouse hovers over certain things the color changes. Might add more frills to it later

More info
v1.0 - Released
V1.1 - Changed old CSS IDs to work with the new IDs
V1.2 - Replaced old IDs
V1.3 - Changed more IDs and fixed some issues with the text0
V1.4 - Changed IDs

Applies to:

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