Google Music - Flat White Desktop Edition [BETA]

Added by VeryEnd生栄寿利@userstyles, Created: Feb 20, 2016, Updated: Feb 20, 2016
With the style applied


Google Music's new design wasn't made with desktop in mind.
This theme strives to change that- by taking some design choices from Microsoft Groove's web design and putting them together with Material design.

This theme provides a much flatter experience, with smaller buttons and smaller menus so that more albums can be visible on your screen at once, focusing on content and clarity rather than beautiful box shadows.

More info
Bear in mind this theme is in BETA, meaning it's not perfect yet.

+ = feature
- = regression/bug

Version 0.1 (First Release):
+ Changed main theme colours
+ Removed box shadows
+ Created simple borders (with hover)
+ Removed Google Music's logo
+ Top and bottom menu has been made smaller
+ Buttons have been made smaller
+ Albums have been made smaller to fit more on the screen at once
+ Fixed other layouts (including New Releases and Album View)
+ Removed ugly and pixelated artist background
+ Removed border by artists, making it visually different
- Artist and album view have three buttons (share, radio and add to library) which hover on random places depending on artist and album
- Not everything has made the transition yet

Applies to:

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