ESV - Readability v2

Added by Montgomery@userstyles, Created: Mar 01, 2016, Updated: Jan 12, 2017
With the style applied


The new ESV Bible reading site is excellent.
This stylesheet just adds some typography adjustments for readability.

More info
ESV has updated frequently of late, often breaking this user style.
Rather than producing a new user style each time (which requires each user to install the new style), I will try to update this one accordingly.
Version numbers will be indicated in this "additional info":

v3 January 12, 2017
ESV introduced the layout and settings widgets atop the page. This style focuses on _reading_, and not on references, notes, or reading plans in the same web page. I will thus focus specifically on the setting "Reader's mode" and the single column layout.
* The font-family stack continues to start with Hoefler Text (Mac default) and Contstantia (Windows).
* The ESV Reader's mode seems a bit aggressive in removing helps, so I've brought back chapter numbers and content headings.
* Reader's mode also allows paragraph measures or line lengths to extend a bit long.
Thank you for your interest in the ESV translation of the Bible, and this user style.

Applies to:,,

Related styles:

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