Google Play Music | Clean Simple Dark | CSD

Added by Christian Krause@userstyles, Created: Apr 20, 2016, Updated: Oct 29, 2016
Hide listen now button
Hide top charts button
Hide new releases button
Hide my library button
Hide browse stations button
Hide shopping button
Hide subscribe button
Hide family upgrade button
Hide upload music button
Hide settings button
Hide bin button
Hide help & feedback button
Hide auto-playlists (at playlists sidebar)
Hide recent playlists (at playlists sidebar)
Hide playlists (at playlists sidebar)
Accent Color (default: #FF5722)


Keep it clean!
Keep it simple!
Keep it dark!

... and let the users customize a bit if they want to ;)

More info
- Everything should be themed, regardless if you use the free or paid version of Google Play Music
- Everything means even context menus and less frequently visited pages
- In addition to vanilla style, it gives the user more decent button feedbacks (hover effects), which makes it easier to navigate when you are sitting on a couch in front of your tv! (maybe how google should have done it?)
- Sidebar customizations - hide unwanted buttons
- Color customizations - choose your preferred accent color
- I am an active user of Google Play Music and try to maintain this theme as fast as possible
- Mainly tested with Firefox
- Chrome/Opera should work as good as Firefox - will always keep an eye on it
- Every single line of code should be documented to make it easier for you to customize if you are only a little bit familiar with css

... tell me if you find a bug or something not themed!


10/29/16 - v1.0.67
- fixed indicator arrow color for top bar buttons

10/24/16 - v1.0.66
- fixed not working effect when selecting the currently playing song
- fixed account menu

09/23/16 - v1.0.65
- reworked currently playing song row in playlists a little bit

09/14/16 - v1.0.64
- changed default accent color to #FF5722 (googles new default color since April 2016)
- reworked edit album cover buttons at edit info/details page
- fixed shortly appearing white background when overlay background will get closed (e.g. when edit album info gets closed)
- fixed hover effect for repeat button when active

09/11/16 - v1.0.63
- fixed currently playing song background at playlists (thanks to Kévin Scatton and Alex Weiner for reporting)

09/11/16 - v1.0.62
- totally overhauled share page when sharing via google+ (some minor polishing left)
- Chrome: fixed some missing webkit-filters

09/09/16 - v1.0.61
- fixed search suggestions hover effect at search bar
- fixed account picture hover effect not working when hovering change button
- Chrome: reworked some minor things at settings page only visible for chrome users

09/08/16 - v1.0.60
- changed color of play count and duration in playlists
- reworked play button hovering on material cards
- added box shadows for buttons of google account popup menu and reworked them a bit
- changed color of lab dividers and of descriptions after header at settings page
- Firefox: reworked upload page a bit
- minor code cleanup

09/07/16 - v1.0.59
- fixed account menu (upper right)
- made loading spinner a bit thicker at playlists sidebar

09/05/16 - v1.0.58
- Chrome: inverted particles screensaver to fit with the dark design. I'll try to add a customization option to choose between white (vanilla) and inverted design later on. Maybe some other screensaver "themes" will be added, but I don't know if is technically possible, so no promises yet! (thanks to elise'zoris for the suggestion!)
- reworked divider color at radio stations selector, settings and share page

09/02/16 - v1.0.57
- fixed position of play button loading spinner at playlists sidebar

09/01/16 - v1.0.56
- fixed play button color at playlist sidebar

08/26/16 - v1.0.55
- themed new playlist button hint popup
- reworked divider color at radios pages
- added pointer cursor for volume bar
- removed sent gift button customization, cause it isn't in sidebar anymore
- chrome: fixed trigger area for open mini player button hover effect at player bar

08/25/16 - v1.0.54
- themed upgrade to family plan page
- fixed sorting options hover/selected color effect for music library
- fixed not working hide bin setting

08/21/16 - v1.0.53
- fixed some popup dialogs e. g. biography or delete playlist
- fixed some minor things at edit details/playlist page

08/20/16 - v1.0.52
- added customization options to hide auto-playlists, recent playlists and playlists at new playlists sidebar (right bar)
- fixed z-index of players playlist (popup) to be always on top

08/20/16 - v1.0.51
- themed new playlist sidebar (right sidebar)
- themed and re-positioned new playlist button in top-bar
- fixed/themed new left sidebar
- fixed not working removal of bin entry in left sidebar

08/18/16 - v1.0.50
- added customization option to disable upgrade to family plan button
- fixed sorting options icons color/hover effect on various sites with playlists
- fixed box shadows of players playlist (popup)
- fixed two hover effects for left sidebar
- fixed edit song/album info page
- fixed background overlay while various popup dialogs are opened
- chrome: fixed color of adult content icon for featured new releases

08/17/16 - v1.0.49
- huge bugfix update due to many changes made by google. main stuff should be fixed now, but maybe some minor parts aren't finished yet. give me some time to discover all changes which were made!

08/12/16 - v1.0.48
- fixed buttons at settings page
- fixed link color at settings page
- slightly adjusted color of the counter at music library pages
- fixed non working highlight color of dropdown menu at songs page of music library
- made top bars dropdown menus hover effect a little bit more decent
- slightly adjusted color of menu button at top bar to fit in with the other buttons
- slightly adjusted behaviour of checkboxes at settings page
- slightly changed color of labs description and devices last access icon/timestamp at settings page
- adjusted text color of account infos at settings page
- fixed name label won't get colored in highlight color at edit playlist page when input field is focused

08/09/16 - v1.0.47
- minor adjustments to some buttons at settings page for more consistency

08/03/16 - v1.0.46
- made explicit logos a little bit smaller on various sites

08/01/16 - v1.0.45
- themed upgrade subscription button at settings page
- removed gap between top bar and main container at situation based radios pages
- fixed buttons hover effect at situation based radio pages (borders won't disappear)
- fixed shadows for account menu

07/21/16 - v1.0.44
- reworked more songs button layout a bit
- changed to a more decent color for the divider at top tracks charts

07/20/16 - v1.0.43
- fixed color of explicit content label
- fixed color for album/band name at materials cards of recommended new releases

07/14/16 - v1.0.42
- chrome: added hover effect for the close button at upload music page

07/06/16 - v1.0.41
- fixed hover effect for various buttons like "see all"

07/05/16 - v1.0.40
- fixed glitchy background of upload music/sent gift button after being pressed
- fixed random mix/share/watch all buttons base color and hover effect
- changed header color at various context menus

06/13/16 - v1.0.39
- again disabled hover effect of sorting options on pages where it shouldn't be active

06/10/16 - v1.0.38
- expanded trigger area for 3-dot-buttons hover effect to fit buttons non-visible trigger area at material cards
- re-enabled creators name of radio stations
- added hover effect for bands page link at material cards header
- disable creators name of (auto-)playlists

06/08/16 - v1.0.37
- disabled sorting options hover effects at various top charts pages (were still active after last fix)
- added custom google play logo as creators image for radios
- fixed checkboxes won't get tinted in highlight color at settings page

06/07/16 - v1.0.36
- fixed hover effects for sorting options were active on pages where they shouldn't
- free user: reworked search bar a bit to fit with the paid versions ones

06/05/16 - v1.0.35
- added hover effects for sorting options (duration, artists, ...) at playlist pages

06/04/16 - v1.0.34
- fixed z-index of search box to be always on top (especially at my library)
- fixed header row color of top songs table at artists page

06/02/16 - v1.0.33
- themed indicator arrow color for top/bottom bar buttons when opened
- disable ink effect when a button is pushed
- time label is always visible when player is active

06/01/16 - v1.0.32
- small fix to account picture hover effect at top bar

05/29/16 - v1.0.31
- reworked color and hover effect for the upper left menu button at the topbar
- fixed top bar dropdown menu hover effects

05/24/16 - v1.0.30
- fixed button color and hover effect for top bar buttons
- fixed account menu

05/23/16 - v1.0.29
- fixed button color/hover effects for account menu

05/18/16 - v1.0.28
- reworked divider color for upper right google menu at top bar
- tried to theme casting button at player bar (I don't have chromecast, therefore no button at my place and so it is hard to theme/test this button for me. Will try to grab a chromecast from anyone I know and work on it then)
- themed breadcrump tooltip button hover effect
- reworked hover effect for artist/album button at bin page
- minor stuff

05/17/16 - v1.0.27
- reworked popup context menu divider color
- reworked popup context menu headers color
- fixed search suggestion in various circumstances if no result was found
- reworked change picture hover effects on edit details page

05/14/16 - v1.0.26
- Button color on diverse pages when it is disabled (e.g. on share page when non-public)

05/12/16 - v1.0.25
- themed main help page a little bit further, rest of pages won't get themed -> too many icons and (I think) in general help page won't be used quite often
- drag&drop target line color in playlists
- reworked song table/playlist header row a little bit
- reworked overlay background color when some popups are opened (e.g. add new playlist)
- reworked top bars tabs hover effect a little bit
- added playlist description hover effect if it is editable
- code clean-up

Complete changelog:

Applies to:,,*/_/notifications/.*

Related styles:

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