Facebook post interlude

Added by Malcolm Ocean@userstyles, Created: Apr 28, 2016, Updated: Oct 13, 2016
With the style applied
Background Color
Foreground Color


Every few posts (it's actually not a consistent number due to Facebook's complex HTML) this style inserts a big space and a box that says:

...does this make sense right now?
...is there something else that would be more exciting?

Note that this doesn't just work in your newsfeed, but also on people's timelines and in groups. Anywhere where there are a bunch of posts in a row.

I recommend having the habit of taking a deep breath when you see it, whether you decide to keep going or not. Read more about the psychological element here: http://blog.complice.co/post/147514386347/my-new-software-mindware-system-for-avoiding

More info
There's a setting for the color. You can change the text or the frequency by editing the CSS.

For the frequency, note that in theory nth-child(3n) means "show this after every third post" but in practice facebook seems to clump some posts together, so that it's every... 5,8,5,10... ish posts apart, on the newsfeed, and 3,4,4,4 posts apart on my profile page. (I just sampled.)

So yeah, change it to nth-child(2n) to have it show more densely, or to nth-child(4n) or nth-child(5n) to show it less often. If you find yourself ignoring it because it shows up so much, you probably want it less often.

Updated 2016-07-19 because Facebook seems to have slightly new tags now. I also added one after the composer at the top, so you have a chance to pause before you've even started scrolling :)

Updated 2016-10-13: now works on mobile / m.facebook.com! I think that Firefox is the only mobile browser with userstyle support, so I recommend logging out of facebook on Chrome.

Applies to:
www.facebook.com, m.facebook.com

Related styles:

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